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About Us

Ah! So you want to get to know us better...

Scripty is the brainchild of four founding members at Oexa, brought together with a simple wish: to manage our prescriptions easily and have the freedom to choose where to get them filled. Thus, Scripty was born – a friendly eScript app where freedom, convenience, and care converge.

Behind Scripty is a team who are not only passionate about making life easier but also have a great knack for creating software solutions within the health and well-being space.

Our commitment to you is twofold: keeping Scripty free and ensuring your data remains safe and secure. Fueled by our desire to make a difference (and plenty of coffee), we're always brainstorming how to make Scripty even better for you. We stay connected to healthcare through events like the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference, Pharmacy Connect, Australian Digital Health Agency workshops, Digital Health Festival and more. And, with features like My Script List (MySL), managing your scripts is so much simpler!

When we're not working on Scripty, we're working on other innovations like our B2B commercial product, Managed Intermediary, and consulting for organisations looking to expand their offerings in the pharmacy and consumer spaces.

A significant source of our motivation comes from the feedback we receive from you - Doctors, pharmacists, and you, the customer. Your insights inspire us, often leading to pizza-fueled brainstorming sessions as we figure out how to better meet your needs. It's your encouragement and suggestions that truly drive us to improve and innovate.

We're constantly enriching and empowering our knowledge to provide you with the best possible experience is crucial. Oexa are members in several respected organisations, including the Medical Software Industry Association (MSIA), Australian Digital Health Agency ePrescribing Technical Working Group (ETWG), and HL7 Australia, among others.

Consider us your go-to for making escript management easy-peasy. At the end of the day, it's all about giving you the power to choose, one script at a time. Welcome to the Scripty family!


Stay up-to-date with the latest from Scripty by following us on Facebook and Instagram. For a deeper dive into what's happening or to gain more insights into who we are at Oexa, follow us on LinkedIn.

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