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We'll send you a free resource pack to promote Scripty in your store.*


*Limited stock available.


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Please read the fine print.

Hey there! We're happy to offer you some downloadable resources that we hope will be useful. Please keep in mind that these resources are for informational purposes only and aren't a substitute for professional advice. While we've done our best to make sure the information is accurate, we can't guarantee it's error-free.

Also, please don't modify, redistribute or sell these resources without our permission. We can't be held responsible for any negative consequences that arise from your use of them.

We want to remind you that if you use our resources, it's important to ensure that you're following all applicable guidelines and regulations including the advertising guidelines set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

By downloading these resources, you agree to these terms. We hope you find them helpful, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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